Sunday, January 21, 2007

Winter Fun!!!

Yeah! Daddy finally learned how to upload pictures. Here I am all bundled up to go sledding with my cousins. Can anyone tell me who thought of playing outside in freezing temperatures?


Carla said...

What an incredibly handsome bundle of abomidable (sp?) joy! Zach, you have grown so much since I last saw you! I totally have good intentions of wanting to come see you. . .life just seems to get so crazy! Tell mommy to call me so we can set up a definite play date! I love and miss you, mommy and daddy! Until we can get together, please take good care of mommy and daddy and know that God loves you all so very, very much! ~Carla~

Christopher said...

Hmhmhhmh...hmhhmh, hmhmhfghhmhmh!

Cousin Sammy